

主演:黄海 崔润石 郑允姬 金杏子  




大陆剧《哭泣的鹦鹉》是一部郑镇宇导演在,由黄海,崔润石,郑允姬,金杏子等领衔主演的 韩国剧。  The widower Choi is impotent. He adopts the infants Mun and Su-ryun and raises them. Mun graduates from college in Seoul but he can’t adjust to Seoul life so he returns to Choi’s home. Mun learns that Su-ryun is not his sister in blood and he falls in love with her. When Choi discovers Mun and Su-ryun meeting secretly, he forces Mun back to Seoul. Mun meets the dancer Suk on his way and returns home. Since Mun is at home, Choi sends Su-ryun away. Su-ryun is unable to forget her home so she returns home on a day that is raining cats and dogs. Underneath a steel bridge, Su-ryun is raped by Jong-su and ends up dead. Meanwhile, Mun had left home when Su-ryun died. He is returning home when he discovers Choi crying with Su-ryun’s body in his arms. His rage exploding, Mun grabs Su-ryun’s body and takes it away.。欢迎在线观看,由黄海,崔润石,郑允姬,金杏子等领衔主演的  韩国剧《哭泣的鹦鹉》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《哭泣的鹦鹉》,如果你喜欢《哭泣的鹦鹉》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!详情


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