

主演:Franco Nero Florinda Bolkan Adolfo Celi  

导演:Romolo Guerrieri 



大陆剧《疯狂寻乐》是一部Romolo Guerrieri导演在,由Franco Nero,Florinda Bolkan,Adolfo Celi等领衔主演的 意大利剧。  The film came out as "Detective Belli", starring Franco Nero, then a European heart-throb when the movie came out. Nero plays against type as an unrepentantly corrupt police detective. During the course of the investigation of a murder, Det. Belli makes his way through the upper society of Rome. Amazingly, he begins to develop a conscience and decides to "do the right thing" and find out who the real murderer is. Like all sentient males, he is attracted to Florinda Bolkan who looks fantastic in this film, having also shared the screen with Michael Caine in another movie around this time. The upshot--in a reprise of the famous ending scene in the Maltese Falcon, Nero confronts Bolkan in a graveyard and, although attracted to her, confronts her with the fact that she is the murderer. She tries to bribe him, alluding to a life together. Det. Belli is intransigent. But then, in a very atypical ending, she shoots him and he dies and she gets away with it. A very twisty thriller when it first came out. I enjoyed it and remember the surprise ending to this day.。欢迎在线观看,由Franco Nero,Florinda Bolkan,Adolfo Celi等领衔主演的  意大利剧《疯狂寻乐》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《疯狂寻乐》,如果你喜欢《疯狂寻乐》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!详情


      The film came out as Detective Belli starring Franco Nero then a European heart-throb when the movie came out. Nero plays against type as an unrepentantly corrupt police detective. During the course of the investigation of a murder Det. Belli makes his way through the upper society of Rome. Amazingly he begins to develop a conscience and decides to do the right thing an...

    三星+,how came you were involved in this story?I knew that it was over for me

    倒是不走铅黄路线(死很多人但凶杀场面一个也没拍)而确实是家访式破案,但比较糟糕的是其悬疑推进似乎是靠全部被访者第一次问话时都有一半话没交代orz 而男主问话基本靠上来就扇耳光,够呛...production value不太高导致迷幻妆容布景现在看来都很cheesey,Nero哥好像还在不太会演戏的时段里,Florinda则依然一看就是有故事的女人啦...

    Laura Antonelli


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