

主演:John Leguizamo  

导演:Ben DeJesus 



大陆剧《拉丁白痴历史:约翰·雷吉扎莫的百老汇之路》是一部Ben DeJesus导演在,由John Leguizamo等领衔主演的 剧。  Latin History for Morons: John Leguizamo's Road to Broadway captures John's quest to cram 3,000 years of history into 90 minutes of stage time and bring a whole new set of historical characters back to life as one man. Infused throughout the documentary is John's special brand of humor and openness. The road to his ultimate goal - his next Broadway hit - unfolds in a fun, intriguing, and poignant adventure that not only offers an intimate look into the journey of a passionate artist, but also shines a light on the rarely-told stories of Latino heroes who made their mark on America. Featuring exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the one-man show taking shape, the film follows John's riveting process - from his early inspirations and research, to his first-ever comedy club tour, through workshops of the show - before culminating in performances at the historic Public Theater as he aims for a Broadway run. Along the way, John navigates the challenges of writing (and re-writing) history lessons meant to enlighten and entertain.。欢迎在线观看,由John Leguizamo等领衔主演的  剧《拉丁白痴历史:约翰·雷吉扎莫的百老汇之路》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《拉丁白痴历史:约翰·雷吉扎莫的百老汇之路》,如果你喜欢《拉丁白痴历史:约翰·雷吉扎莫的百老汇之路》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!详情


    这是one-man show不是standup comedy。不是学术意义上的探讨或者宣扬,而是一个非常个人化的身份的故事。剧本、编排、表演都很完美了。自己不做这场个人秀,还有谁会赐予你这个机会呢?所以,above all,最服他的勇气。

    网飞看的 头一次接触这种沉浸式单口



      Latin History for Morons: John Leguizamo's Road to Broadway captures John's quest to cram 3000 years of history into 90 minutes of stage time and bring a whole new set of historical characters back to life as one man. Infused throughout the documentary is John's special brand of humor and openness. The road to his ultimate goal - his next Broadway hit - unfolds in a fun intri...


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