




大陆剧《惊慌之堡 》是一部 剧。竞赛类游戏节目,参赛选手的心理和生理都将面临前所未有的挑战。科幻频道将在一栋空间庞大、结构复杂的楼房里藏匿大量的现金,七名彼此互不相识的选手将进入楼房寻找这些钱。"寻宝" 的过程并非波澜不惊,而是充满了恐怖,选手们稍有不慎就会出局--有的人则因为楼房内过于恐怖而自动退出。最终的胜利者将赢得所有人找到的现金,以及由科幻频道额外提供的大奖。 There's No Place Like This Home. "Estate Of Panic" Turns Nightmares Into Reality And Pushes Phobias To The Limit. Each Week, A New Group Of Contestants Enter The Estate Searching For Money Hidden Inside Of Booby-Trapped Rooms. The Walls In One Cave In, Creating A Hopelessly Small Space. Can The Contestants Survive It? Then Thousands Of Creepy, Crawling Bugs Line The Walls And Floor Of Another Room, And Flooding Water Rises By The Second In Another. Throughout It All, Contestants Must Remain Calm Because If They Panic, They Won't Get Paid. The Game Begins With Seven Contestants Who Compete In Three Nerve-Wracking Challenges. After Each Challenge Two Are Eliminated And Their Winnings Are Added Back Into The Prize Pot. The Last Person Standing Faces A Final Challenge In The Vault Room. In Estate Of Panic It's Winner-Take-All — If Players Can Overcome Their Fears.。欢迎在线观看  剧《惊慌之堡 》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《惊慌之堡 》,如果你喜欢《惊慌之堡 》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!详情


      竞赛类游戏节目,参赛选手的心理和生理都将面临前所未有的挑战。科幻频道将在一栋空间庞大、结构复杂的楼房里藏匿大量的现金,七名彼此互不相识的选手将进入楼房寻找这些钱。寻宝 的过程并非波澜不惊,而是充满了恐怖,选手们稍有不慎就会出局--有的人则因为楼房内过于恐怖而自动退出。最终的胜利者将赢得所有人找到的现金,以及由科幻频道额外提供的大奖。 There's No Place Like This Home. Estate Of Panic Turns Nightmares Into Reality And Pushes Phobias To The Limit. Each Week A New Group Of Contestants Enter The Estate Searching For Money Hidden Inside Of Boob...


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