

主演:Kai Lanette Shane Ryan Molly Wryn  

导演:Shane Ryan 


大陆剧《警告!恋童癖归来》是一部Shane Ryan导演在,由Kai Lanette,Shane Ryan,Molly Wryn等领衔主演的 美国剧。A pedophile is released out of prison from a 6-year sentence after allegedly molesting a 12-year old girl. The victim, now 18, reunites with her assailant whom she calls her "soul mate" only to spark outrage in the community. Not only do they attack the Pedophile, but soon cause more harm and chaos to the girl that they supposedly were protecting.。欢迎在线观看,由Kai Lanette,Shane Ryan,Molly Wryn等领衔主演的  美国剧《警告!恋童癖归来》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《警告!恋童癖归来》,如果你喜欢《警告!恋童癖归来》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!详情


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