

主演:Valerij Fedorenko Marc Ottiker Sanja Spengler  

导演:Fred Kelemen 



大陆剧《厄运》是一部Fred Kelemen导演在,由Valerij Fedorenko,Marc Ottiker,Sanja Spengler等领衔主演的 德国剧。  The paths of people from various countries cross during the course of one night. They speak different languages, but they are fatefully bound together by the solitary quest for happiness and deliverance. Sloping paths are all that's left for them in an age of lost perspectives, lost refuges and lost homelands. They sink deeper with every movement that should be liberating them. Every gesture of love becomes a gesture of humiliation. The desperate dance of their life has become a passionate dance of death.
  In the centre of this centrifuge at the end of the millennium the Russian emigrant Valery and his lover Ljuba are turning around each other in a nocturnal round dance of desire and pain, hope and violence and the indestructible will to survive.。欢迎在线观看,由Valerij Fedorenko,Marc Ottiker,Sanja Spengler等领衔主演的  德国剧《厄运》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《厄运》,如果你喜欢《厄运》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!


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